Current position

Professor of Politics and Education (part-time), London Metropolitan University [also Emeritus]

Jean Monnet ad personam Professor of Citizenship Education in Europe

(awarded by the European Commission, September 2009)

Former position

Director, Institute for Policy Studies in Education (2000-2009)

I founded the institute in 2000, and have built it up over nine years to a group of 20 full time researchers, conducting policy analysis in education with a focus of social justice and equity, for a wide variety of local, national and European funders.

University Academic Coordinator for Research Degrees (1987-2008)

I coordinated the internal quality control mechanisms for all PhD students for the University, checking enrolment, progress and completion of students and supervisory arrangements.

Visiting Professor at the University of Bedfordshire 2001 - 2004

Education and Qualifications

BSc (Econ) Hons: 2.i   Government and Politics; University of London (External), 1971

(studied at Wolverhampton Polytechnic, 1967 - 71)

MA (Area Studies); University of London, 1972

(School of Oriental and African Studies, 1971 - 72)

PhD; University of London (Faculty of Economics), 1981

(Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 1972 - 75 [full time])

Thesis on the politics of race in late colonial Tanganyika

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE); Distinctions in theory and in practice; University of London, 1976         

(College of All Saints, 1975 -  76)

Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences: (Awarded by the Academy of Social Sciences, August 2010)

DLitt; Education for Social Justice, London Metropolitan University, 2011

Previous Employment


  • 2000 - 09  Director, Institute of Policy Studies in Education, London Metropolitan University
  • 1990         Professor, Polytechnic of North London (now London Metropolitan University)
  • 1985 - 90  Principal Lecturer, Polytechnic of North London 
  • 1985         Senior Lecturer, Polytechnic of North London
  • 1981 - 85  Teacher, Primary school, Notting Hill (ILEA)
  • 1979 - 81  Advisory Teacher for History and Social Studies in Primary Schools for the ILEA
  • 1976 - 79  Teacher, Primary school, Hackney (ILEA)


  • 1976 - 80  Part time Lecturer, Multicultural Education Diploma Course, College of All Saints
  • 1971 - 73  Part time Lecturer, Liberal Studies, Croydon Technical College

External Committee Membership, etc

  • Schools Council, member of History Committee, 1980 - 1982
  • Schools Curriculum Industry Partnership, Chair of Primary Schools Research Group, 1983 - 90
  • CNAA, Education INSET Committee, 1986 - 88
  • CNAA, Register of Members, 1988 - 1992
  • New End Primary School, Governor, 1987 – 1990
  • Professorial Promotion Committee, University of Cyprus, 2002
  • Coordinator and Chair, Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe Thematic Network, 1997-2008
  • President, Children’s Identity and Citizenship European Association, 2006 - 2008

External Examinerships

Taught courses

BEd (Hons) (5), Thames Polytechnic, 1985 – 89; South Bank Polytechnic, 1986 – 91; Hatfield Polytechnic, 1989 – 91;  University of Kingston, 1998 - 2001

MA (1),  Schools and Industry, University of Warwick, 1992 - 1995

Research degrees

MEd (1):  U of Malta (1996)

M Phil (2): London Metrpolitan U (2015)

PhD (18) : U North London (1998), U Warwick (1998), U Durham (1999), U Lancaster (2002), (2003), U York (2004), U Lahore (2010), (2011), (2012), Dublin City U (2012), Klaipeda U, Lithuania (2014), London Metropolitan U (2014), (2015), Royal Holloway U London (2015), U West of England (2015), U of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands (2015), U Huddersfield (2018), U Roehampton (2019)

Doctoral Supervisons (completed)

Paulo Nyerembe,  PhD 1995: The publishing industry, the ideological framework and foreign aid in Tanzania.

Merryn Hutchings, PhD 1997: Children’s Constructions of Work

Keith Crawford, PhD 1999: The social construction of curriculum : economic and industrial understanding as a cross-curricular theme

Tözün Issa, PhD 2002: The augmentation of language and thinking in bilingual children             

Susan Bailey, PhD 2008

Marta Pinto, PhD 2010: Young people's constructions of European identities in Britain, Belgium and Luxembourg

Gaetana Muscat, PhD 2013: Maltese children's construction of identities through their engagement with the media 

Getachew Zergaw, EdD 2014: Mature non-specialist undergraduate students and the challenges they face in learning mathematics

Jana Sulikova, PhD, 2014: National identity and European integration in secondary education : the case of Slovakia

Jack Banner, EdD 2015: Exploring narratives of exclusion from school : how adolescent boys and educationalists negotiate schooling, family and gendered discourses

Tracy Part, PhD 2015: A study into identity formation : troubling stories of adults taming mathematics

Alan Benson,  EdD 2017: Migrants becoming mathematics teachers : personal resources and professional capitals

Charles Okpolawarko, EdD 2017: Parental engagement, new technologies

and education: between two cultures

Currently supervising

 PhD (p-t)                        Azru Altugan                                                                 

EdD (p-t)                         Rita White                                                                            

 PhD (p-t)                        Sibylle Ratz